Tuesday, November 10, 2015

350.org Coverage of the Divestment Motion in the Anglican Diocese of Montreal

On October 16th, the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Montreal passed the following motion to divest from the top 200 worst fossil fuel polluters.

Moved: Raymond Noel
Seconded: Elizabeth Welch

"Be it resolved that synod instruct the Finance Standing Committee to take, in a timely manner, all reasonable measure in its power to ensure that the Anglican funds divest from those companies known to be the worst polluters as published in the “Carbon Underground 200,” an annually updated list of the top 100 public coal companies globally and the top 100 public oil and gas companies globally, as ranked by the potential carbon emissions content of their reported reserves. The list is produced and maintained by Fossil Free Index."

This move adds to the growing number of faith groups and other organizations throughout the world that have elected to divest from fossil fuels investments as part of the fight against climate change.

Source: 350.org

Montreal Anglicans Vote to Divest from Fossil Fuels
Facts Sheet and FAQ for the Fossil Fuel Divestment Motion in the Diocese of Montreal
Climate Change and Faith: Why we Support the Fossil Fuel Divestment Motion
Why I Support The Fossil Fuel Divestment Motion (Dr. Brooke Struck)

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